
What are dimensions?

Dimensions are useful when you have a concept that's broken down into different dimensions (hence the name!). Examples:

  • Number of customers broken down by Geography
  • Revenue broken down by Product Type
  • Ad spend broken down by Marketing Channel

The bold items above are dimensions. Within a dimension, there will be multiple dimension items:

GeographyProduct TypeMarketing Channel
USAModel SFacebook
EuropeModel 3Google
CanadaModel XLinkedIn

Why are dimensions powerful in Causal?

Using dimensions means:

  • Less formula duplication - you write one Revenue formula, and Causal automatically applies the logic across dimension items (e.g. each Product Type) for you.
  • Less formula re-work - when you want to change the formula logic, you just change it one place for all dimension items. When you add new dimension items (e.g. a new Product Type, Model Y), you just add them to the dimension list, and Causal handles the rest.

Where do I interact with dimensions?

There are two main spaces to interact with dimensions:

  1. The bottom section of the spreadsheet workspace (within a model), after opening a dimension from the in-model left panel
  2. The standalone dimension workspace (accessed from your Dimensions page, by opening any dimension)

-> The key difference is that the spreadsheet will only show the dimensions that connected to the model you're in, and also show variables that are used by the dimension.