
Managing users

Organisations vs. Teams

You think of an Organisation like your entire company (e.g. Tesla), and a Team as a specific team within that Organisation (e.g. Tesla's finance team or Tesla's marketing team).

Models can be shared with the entire Organisation, specific teams within that Organisation, or just specific users within an Organisation. See Sharing models for more..

User roles

There are three types of user roles in Causal:

  • Owner
  • Editor
  • Viewer

Regardless of role, all users of an Organisation will be able to create models of their own.


Editors of an Organisation can build, edit and share models.


Can do everything an Editor can do, plus:

  • Add/remove people to/from the Organisation
  • Create teams, e.g. "Finance Team" or "Marketing Team"


A Viewer can view dashboards shared with the Organisation but can't access underlying models to make changes. Additionally, Viewers are unable to share models with the Organisation.

You can add Viewers to your Organisation for free.

Adding users to your Organisation

When you invite users to your Organisation from my.causal.app/organisation, they are automatically added to your Organisation. However, if they sign up for Causal before you invite them, they will have to verify their email address before Causal adds them to your Organisation. Note: these emails can get lost in spam!


You think of an Organisation like your entire company (e.g. Tesla), and a Team as a specific team within that Organisation (e.g. Tesla's finance team).

Note: Only Owners of Organisations can create new Teams (by hitting Create New Team in the Organisations tab of Causal).


Can a Viewer build models?

Yes - viewers can still build their own personal models in Causal, they just cannot share them with anyone.

What is the difference between Full Access to a model and an Owner of an Organisation?

Owners of Organisations have 'Organisation'-level control, i.e. they can add/delete users from their Organisation, and create Teams within the Organisation.

Full Access to a model gives you 'Model'-level control, i.e. they can change the sharing settings, and delete the model.